Bahaa Abdul Hussein in this story talks about Agent Portals and the APIs. This knowledge is important to the Insurance agents and the tech people related to the insurance domain.

The internet has drastically changed the way we do business. We’re now in an age where anyone can access information and services with a button. The internet has also introduced a new business model – the API economy.

Agent Portal

An agent portal is a website or application that allows customers to access a company’s services without having to go through a traditional sales channel. Agent portals are typically used by businesses that sell products or services that require customer support.

However, agent portals are becoming less and less common. That’s because directly published APIs are starting to replace them.

A directly published API is an API that is made available to the public without going through an agent portal. Instead, businesses make their APIs available on their website or through a third-party platform like GitHub.


There are several reasons why directly published APIs are becoming more popular than agent portals.

First, directly published APIs are more accessible. Anyone can access a directly published API without going through a sales channel. This makes it easier for businesses to reach new customers and markets.

Second, directly published APIs are more flexible. businesses can choose how they want to make their data available, without being restricted by the rules of an agent portal. This allows businesses to tailor their APIs to their specific needs.

Third, directly published APIs are more cost-effective. By bypassing the middleman, businesses can save on costs and pass those savings on to their customers.

Fourth, and finally, directly published APIs are more future-proof. As the world moves towards a more data-driven economy, businesses that have built their APIs on direct-publishing will be well-positioned to take advantage of data’s opportunities.

Are agent portals being replaced by directly published APIs? It’s hard to say for sure. But what is certain is that businesses that embrace the API economy will be the ones that thrive in the years to come. Thank you for your interest in Bahaa Abdul Hussein blogs. For more information, please visit