If you’ve gone shopping recently and found that they only accept cashless QR codes payments, you’re probably not alone stated Bahaa Abdul Hussein. In a lot of nations around the world, QR code payments are not just used additionally to […]
In earlier days, people would not venture out without carrying their wallets with them observed Bahaa Abdul Hussein. The wallet would contain cash and/or credit/debit cards for them to use. Thanks to the advent of technology, digital wallets have ensured […]
The modern customer seeks convenience in their technology observed Bahaa Abdul Hussein. Transactions are streamlined everyday through use of smartphones and digital wallets. Loyalty points are a good tool to improve customer experience while using their digital wallets. At the […]
Digital wallets have emerged as a transformative force in the world of finance, changing the way we engage in peer-to-peer payments feels Bahaa Abdul Hussein. These digital marvels, also known as e-wallets, represent a dynamic shift from traditional monetary transactions. […]
Digital wallets have become popular helping people avoid carrying cash and card noted Bahaa Abdul Hussein. Their mobile phones with digital wallets apps now help them transact anywhere and at any time. Cryptocurrency is popular thanks to the growth of […]
Digital wallets, electronic wallets or e-wallets have irrevocably created a paradigm shift in online shopping stated Bahaa Abdul Hussein. Kids today may not remember credit cards but they’re familiar with the likes of PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Google Pay, Apple Pay, […]