When you go to a store to buy anything, it is obvious that you will look for variety. If there is only product available and you have no choice, it is natural you will be upset. When businesses want to […]
Your parents always preached the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. And you know they’re right – goal-setting is a key ingredient for success. But what if there was a way to make goal-setting even more […]
These companies must extract valuable insights from their data pool to adapt to market changes observed Bahaa Abdul Hussein. Organizations are always on the lookout for new and better ways of doing business, whether to improve upon their existing processes […]
The European Commission adopted the Digital Finance package that offers a regulatory framework for financial services offered digitally. The objective framed by Bahaa Abdul Hussein is to ensure consumers are able to get financial stability and consumer protection while accessing […]
The technology known as Fintech is constantly evolving, and the future of this field is always in question. However, there are a few things that seem certain. For one, Fintech will continue to grow at a rapid pace. Furthermore, new […]
Companies have been running loyalty schemes from many years. These loyalty programs reward loyal customers with special offers. While some companies offer points that can redeemed, others offer promotional schemes. Most companies benefit from loyalty schemes as they drive repeat […]