Formulating the perfect customer loyalty programme can be compared to the likes of budding writers purchasing a new typewriter to get started with their ambitious projects. You could say that no matter the product cost, ultimately it is the individual’s innate talent that makes the difference between an award-winning novel and a mediocre assignment stated Bahaa Abdul Hussein.

Similarly, you devising a loyalty program doesn’t guarantee that there will be an increase in consumer-engaging metrics or lucrative returns. Something a lot of businesses fail to accomplish is clear ideation and precise conception that make your ideas different from the dime-a-dozen programmes that are already in existence. Fortunately, we have a few pointers to help you win the hearts of your consumers with the best loyalty programmes.

Review and Retarget

First, you need to identify the gaps in your current scheme. Learn what is not working out and make note of those that have resulted in progressive trends. You can use them to devise a better plan to attract new consumers and retain the old ones. Make sure that your new scheme matches your organisation’s goals and values. The nature of your businesses also dictates what promo methods, offers and incentives work better for your target audience.

Study and research

The next step is to conduct a thorough study of what every competitor’s business is doing. Zero in on the top players in your industry and find out how they are cultivating a dedicated consumer base. Everything from their mobile applications to online platforms and physical stores can be the subject of your research to learn what reward-based or point-based systems are most efficient. Observing the key statistics emerging from this study will help you boost your consumer base. Once you have gleaned enough information, the final step is to unleash your creativity.

Uniqueness never goes out of style

In order to truly present your consumers with an irresistible loyalty programme, you have to sell them a strong USP. Ingenuity is important because the odds are your consumers’ inboxes are overflowing with many loyalty schemes they don’t want to give their attention to. If you cannot conceive unique ideas on your own, hire a marketing expert to help you out with it. Professionals have technical expertise in the field and also pertinent knowledge about your niche. Together, you can build the optimal loyalty programme to utilize your best resources, make the perfect proposition, win over your rivals and woo your consumers.

Your success lies in understanding that your marketing situation is like expecting top-priced typewriters to fetch you ingenious outputs magically without preparing a great concept. Investing in brilliant ideas is important to get your loyalty programme to truly become a hit with the audience.

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